Understanding Ectopic Pregnancies

Leann Clink BSN, RN Ectopic pregnancies are a life-threatening medical condition that can occur in the first trimester and requires immediate medical care. Know your risks, how to limit them, and what signs and symptoms to look for. Treatment for … Continued

Factors to Support a Woman with PCOS

Leann Clink BSN, RN   What is PCOS? PCOS is PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome, it is a hormonal imbalance fairly common in women of reproductive age where there are many cysts on the ovaries. This causes the ovaries to produce more … Continued

Post Delivery Care: A Necessity After A Birth, A Miscarriage, or An Abortion

The following article on Post Delivery Care was written by Dr. Bruce Snider, OB/GYN in the Kansas City area. Whether post-delivery encompasses a traditional birth, a miscarriage or an abortion, it is vital that you receive care under a qualified … Continued