Free Pregnancy Tests
Limited OB Ultrasounds
Options Counseling
Pre-termination Counseling
Sexual/Reproductive Health Info
Medical/Community Referrals and Resources
Prenatal/Parenting Classes
After Abortion Care

Pregnancy Tests


We use a lab-quality pregnancy test that is 99% accurate within 10 days of conception. If you have a positive pregnancy test result, you will be provided with additional resources and information based on your needs and plans. We will also supply you with a Pregnancy Verification form to submit for insurance or benefits. 


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Limited OB Ultrasounds


Our medical staff provides qualified clients with an ultrasound to confirm a viable pregnancy. This means that you will find out how far along you are, your expected due date, and the presence of a fetal heartbeat in the uterus. This information is important for you to make a confident decision about your pregnancy. 



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Options Counseling


We offer information on all your pregnancy options, including abortion, adoption, and parenting. You can find support and clarity in a safe, confidential, judgment-free environment to move forward in your pregnancy decision. Need more info?


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Pre-termination Counseling


Pre-termination counseling is provided at Spero Center. When acceptable to the woman, pre-termination counseling can help with the process of decision making and assist in understanding her emotional health and physical risks before a procedure.

The advocates who counsel must make sure that they are able to discuss the questions, provide information regarding abortion and other alternatives, and help the women cope with their own feelings and those of others who know of and/or are involved in the pregnancy situation. The pre-termination counseling is non-judgmental. This counseling can also provide such basic information regarding the abortion process as the legality in the woman's state, its safety, privacy, description of the clinic and abortion procedures. Spero does not perform or refer for abortion. Need more info?


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Sexual/Reproductive Health Info


Some examples of successful Sexual Integrity Education topics include: 

  • healthy boundaries
  • preparing for the future
  • STD/STI education
  • ways to stay safe
  • intimacy steps
  • love vs infatuation
  • linebacker suggestions (what to say in uncomfortable situations)
  • steps to sexual progression (to know how far is too far) 
  • tips for starting over 

...and the list goes on.



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Medical/Community Referrals & Resources


Not sure where to go for medical care? Prefer someone close to home? From OB/GYN to midwife, you have got options. We have got you covered.

Our community referrals include medical and prenatal care providers, financial and housing assistance, professional counselors and domestic violence support, adoption agencies and more. We are here to help you find the resources you need.



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Prenatal/Parenting Classes


If you choose to parent, we can help you prepare for that! Our class covers topics related to pregnancy, birth, and infant care. Material resources are available to help you prepare for the days ahead. You can “earn” baby bucks and shop in our boutique for a variety of baby necessities. Our classes are provided to clients until their child is 2 years of age.



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After-Abortion Care


Women from all walks of life have had abortions. It is normal to grieve a lost pregnancy. Your feelings are valid and Spero is here to help you. Our trained peer counselors will listen and support you. A small intimate group setting ensures privacy as you work through your grief towards healing and hope. Spero offers confidential, compassionate post-abortion support, whether your abortion was yesterday or years ago.



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